Feb 23, 2022
In academia, publishing is
“the coin of the realm”. How does the
reproducibility of our work
suffer under this “publish or perish” system? Today we talk about
the pressure to publish splashy research in high-value journals,
and how those pressures influence what kind of research gets
In this...
Feb 16, 2022
This is episode 2 of our special series on the crisis of reproducibility in scientific research. Now that we’ve covered the “what” of the reproducibility crisis, it’s time to talk about the “why”. Why would scientists engage in practices that compromise the integrity of science?
In this eight-episode podcast...
Feb 16, 2022
The way that science is funded has changed a lot over time. What are those changes and how have they affected the way we practice science?
In this eight-episode podcast series, we interview several experts about “the reproducibility crisis” and how they think the culture of science plays into that. We dig into...
Feb 16, 2022
This is episode 1 in a special podcast series that focuses on the relationship between science culture and reproducibility. To lay the foundation for that, we first need to discuss the replication crisis: What is it and what are some of the major factors that have come to light in the last decade or so?
In this...